Despre el (esentialul): Nascut prematur (1928). Casatorit de 5 ori. 3 copii. Consumator LSD. Anchetat de FBI. Ignorat de mainstream. Vizionar. Paranoic. Castigator al Premiului Hugo (1963). Tradus in 25 de limbi. Mort prematur (1982).
Romane (doar cateva pe care le-am citit): Ubik (1969); Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (1968); The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch (1965); The Man in the High Castle (1962); Time Out of Joint (1959); A Maze of Death (1970).
Filme (adaptari mai mult sau mai putin inspirate ale romanelor lui): Blade Runner (1982); Total Recall (1990); Confessions d'un Barjo (1992); Screamers (1995); Impostor (2001); Minority Report (2002); Paycheck (2003). In pregatire... inca 7.
7 comentarii:
Puteam sa jur ca esti tu...apoi am citit despre ce e vorba.
Ar trebui sa ma simt flatat de comparatie, fie ea si neintentionata, dar fiind numai la nivel de aparenta...
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.
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